Hélène Demetriades’ debut collection joint-won the Hedgehog Press full collection competition in 2020, and was published in June 2022. She is a practicing psychotherapist and lives in South Devon.
Her poetry can be found in Alchemy Spoon, Finished Creatures, Raceme, Ink Sweat & Tears, One Hand Clapping, Envoi, Poetry Shed, Obsessed With Pipework, Dream Catcher and more.
She was the winner of The Silver Wyvern Competition, Poetry On The Lake, 2022, judged by Robert Seatter, and in 2021 was short-listed for the Wells open poetry competition, highly commended in The Silver Wyvern, and twice commended in the Teignmouth Festival poetry competition. She is currently working on her second collection.
Recent endorsement from Fiona Benson: ‘The Plumb Line is a magnificent soaring testament to the tenacity of the human spirit. These are powerful, visionary poems, attentive to the body and the dark and tender places of the soul. They probe our closest human relationships, and are both raw to harm, and deeply compassionate.’

Rachael Clyne, from Glastonbury, is widely published in journals most recently Atrium, Spelt, Lighthouse, Alchemy Spoon, Ink Sweat and Tears. Her prizewinning collection, Singing at the Bone Tree (Indigo Dreams), concerns our broken connection with nature. Her pamphlet, Girl Golem (4word.org) explores her Jewish migrant heritage.
Her new collection, You’ll Never Be Anyone Else, explores aspects of otherness and sexual orientation through different life stages and is published by Seren: https://www.serenbooks.com/productdisplay/youll-never-be-anyone-else