Jenny Mitchell is the Inaugural Poet-in-the-Community at the British Library working with the Engagement Team. She’s been nominated as Best of the Net 2025, won the Ink, Sweat and Tears May 2024 Poetry Competition, the Shooter Poetry Competition in 2023, the Gregory O’Donoghue Prize in 2022 and the Poetry Book Awards in 2021 for her second collection, Map of a Plantation (on the syllabus at Manchester Metropolitan University). The prize-winning debut collection, Her Lost Language, is One of 44 Poetry Books for 2019 (Poetry Wales), and her latest collection, Resurrection of a Black Man, contains three prize-winning poems and is featured on the US podcast Poetry Unbound.
Her poetic tribute to Benjamin Zephaniah, The Day Mr Zephaniah Died, is on the British Literature syllabus at the University of Connecticut, and she has performed at the Houses of Parliament. She was Poet-in-residence at Sussex University in 2024 where her poem ‘Nots Inside the Library’ is on permanent display.
She has a podcast Behind The Glass: A Parsonage Podcast (Bronte Parsonage Museum)
Agent: Crystal Mahey-Morgan at OWN IT! https://ownit.london/
Social media: X: @JennyMitchellGo