Matt is a poet and father living in Devon.
He has published a prize-winning pamphlet Night Porter (Templar), a first collection Boxing the Compass (Templar) and a book of translation The Desire to Sing after Sunset (ShowWe).
His pamphlet The Glassblower’s House was a winner of Live Canon’s pamphlet competition 2022.
Go to Matt’s own website https://manmadebooks.co.uk/PoetryMap
Poetry Map
Matt Bryden, in co-operation with American artist and web-designer Jon Munson II, has published a pioneering online collection of poems.
Poetry Map is split into 4 ‘paths,’ each with an interactive, on-screen Google-based map showing the location of each poem’s setting or composition. These four sequences – Witness, A Discipline, Czech Film and Singles – range from a stationary carriage of the Amtrak to the arrowhead-rich soil of Blast Hill, Kintyre. Readers can navigate the paths, each grouped around a theme, by clicking below each poem. A Random option allows poems to be read out of sequence, jumping continent and context.
In addition, handwritten drafts, on-site audio recordings and even a transliteration into phonemic script (used for teaching pronunciation) provide further ‘information’ for the poems, accessible via ‘magic tickets.’
Poetry Map is an online-only experience, and hopes to combine technology with the process of engaging with poetry. Matt’s map can be seen at www.mattbryden.co.uk/Matt_Bryden/PoetryMap
An example of Matt’s poetry, first published in the Writer’s Cafe magazine: