Sue Lansdell

Sue LansdellIt never occurred to Sue to try and write poetry until she was introduced to the Fire River Poets in 1993.  With them, she found a stimulating group of people getting a great deal out of doing just that. She has been a regular member ever since. Her other preoccupation is with painting, which entails a lot of standing and staring, and even more time spent growing the garden in which she likes to paint.

But back to beginnings. She is proud to have been born at Caister-on-Sea in Norfolk but her formative years were spent unwillingly in the Midlands, which were, as Hilaire Belloc noted, ‘sodden and unkind’.  

Spiritual uplift came mainly from The Goon Show and a number of books not on the school syllabus.  She loathed school – so why did she ever go to teachers’ training college?  Happily, they expelled her after a year.

She never became a proper grownup, though somehow her children did.  Her imaginary friends have long since deserted her – she makes do now with an opinionated and an in his own way far from inanimate bear … oh, and a poet as lover. So now she has everything.

Some examples of her work are given below:

All the time in our world
On Leaving a Town Garden
Tear Chic
War-time holiday