Teaching Resources KS3, KS4 and UKS4

This resource consists of 10 Power Points (3 for KS3+, 5 for KS4 and 2 for Upper Key Stage 4). Each Power Point presents a new ‘prompt’ to inspire your children’s poems on the theme of light. Each Power Point begins with a slide of teacher’s notes followed by images, poems, and activities to fire up the writers!

For the purposes of the competition, we suggest children try several of the ideas – sharing and editing their various pieces – before finally selecting their best work and submitting a clear and legible poem they feel proud of.

Click the appropriate ‘Age Group’ Prompt below to see PowerPoint display.
Click the corresponding ‘Title’ to open the ‘Materials’ document in your default MS Word Viewer


Age Group
KS3 Prompt 1 Spells Using a range of ingredients (animals, elements, body parts) we will cast poetic Spells for Light
KS3 Prompt 2 Creatures Using an Emily Dickinson poem, we will learn how to turn abstract nouns into animals
KS3 Prompt 3 Fragments We will find secret poems hiding inside existing poems
KS4 Prompt 1 Guide from the Other Side After considering creatures who bring messages from elsewhere, we will become guides ourselves and write poetic monologues expressing our good intentions and explaining ourselves to a doubtful public
KS4 Prompt 2 Glimpses We will look at pathetic fallacy before writing ‘Matchbook Poems’
KS4 Prompt 3 Reversing the Current Looking at the story of Icarus and using proverbs about light we will write poems that find light in the darkness
KS4 Prompt 4 Constellations We will create poems that respond to our own constellations
KS4 Prompt 5 Fragments (part 1)
Fragments (part 2)
Using fragments of Sappho and Tom Phillips’s A Humument, we will expand and reduce existing texts to create new work NOTE this is an expanded version of the KS3 resource
UKS4 Prompt 1 Consolation We will look at the specific to find a way to keep light alive in dark times before writing a poem celebrating the dependable and true
UKS4 Prompt 2 Guides Using an animation by Alison de Vere we will examine whether all guides can be trusted before writing our own guiding poetic monologues WARNING This contains some adult content; see Powerpoint for details